Monday, April 11, 2011

Plateau Glieres

The second week of class started today. We have class from 9 til 12 noon, Mon-Fri, and one outside class activity a week. Last Thursday, they took us to Plateau Glieres for our outside activity where we hiked up to the restaurant for lunch. We had bread, pot roast, salad, fried potato fritters, some wine and dessert, and then we took it easy for a few hours to enjoy the weather and the beautiful views.

Lunch was kind of quite, though, because there are so many people from so many different countries and hardly anybody speaks the same language. We all came here to learn french, but since a lot of us are beginners, we can't really hold a conversation. There are students from Japan, Latvia, Switzerland, Norway, Turkey, Mexico and more that I don't remember (In all, there's 46 students total from 22 different countries). A good number of people know english but there are still a lot students who don't, and for some weird reason, when I'm speaking in english, I speak like a fob. Maybe they will understand me better? Lol...I have no clue. Let's just say there's a lot of smiling and shoulder shrugging going on.

P.S. You can't really tell from the picture above, but my hair is growing out, and it's starting to seriously look like a mullet. It's just long enough that I can get most of it into a tiny, little ponytail. I thought about a) trimming it myself (with my tiny swiss army knife scissors), b) going to get it trimmed (and risking the outcome because the stylist will probably have no clue what I'm saying) or c) sporting the mullet until I get home.


  1. This looks like something from the travel channel. And I am loving the goat/duck/chicken harmony. I hope you're having a great time!! Rock on that mullet

  2. i scrolled too fast and when i passed that one pic, i was like, hey what am i doing there? HAHA


  3. hey the person sitting next to you, is that a guy or a girl? sure hope that person does not know how to read english too well or does not have access to this blog! ha har har

  4. androgenous featured female
    feminine featured male

    it's all good

  5. LOL! He's a guy. He's Japanese. Maybe that explains it.
