Thursday, April 21, 2011

Random pictures from my phone

I forget why I took this picture. Nothing spectacular going on, but look at the bakery hours. 7am to 8:30pm. The bakeries in France are open pretty late. There's one on almost every corner. One time, here in Annecy, I got a baguette that must have just come out of the oven. The outside was nice and crispy and crunchy, and the inside was warm and soft. I'm going to try to bake a baguette when I get home. And then I'm going to sell it to my neighbors. And then word will spread and I'll be a millionaire!

Pictures from the train. The windows are like forever changing pictures frames.

A view of Annecy.

The school took us on a little walking tour around the city center yesterday. Isn't it so Mary Poppins-esque?

Heheheh....ignore my finger :) I just really liked this balcony.

It's a watering hole for the dogs! Two seconds after I took this picture, a doggy came by to get a drink.

Look at this cool contraption! It's used to melt the cheese. See below for the after picture.

After the walk, we had some time to kill before dinner, so I went to the movies with one of the girls from school. The movie was called La Fille du puisatier. I was falling asleep because I couldn't really understand what they were saying. Then we met up with some others from school and headed to dinner to say goodbye to one of the girls who's leaving this week to return to Switzerland. Overall, a pretty good day :)


  1. this experience must be so enriching, it's amazing

  2. i agree with phi. still can't believe you're there! :) oh hey, i got two weeks left. dreaming of bbqs and we can set up our own little outdoor movie theatre equipped with tent in our backyards. yay ok?

  3. the roofs look like those old wafer candies!
